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BRANDRUP UTILITY for cabin seats VW T6.1 California Beach / Multivan 100 706 824
BRANDRUP UTILITY for cabin seats VW T6.1 California Beach / Multivan 100 706 824 Brandrup 706 824 .jpg 165.00 InStock 100 706 824  The Utility is spacious and offers a lot of additional storage space within reach. The attachment to the back rest is very easy: above, the Utility is attached to the headrest; below, the plastic clamps are hooked into the moulding of the lining. On the sides, a strap made of polyester (safety belt quality) is put around the armrest; the attachment below is elastic. The Utility can be attached to either the left or right cabin seat. Design: VW T6.1 "Quadratic/Leather Titanium Black". Made in Germany.

BRANDRUP UTILITY for cabin seats VW T6.1 California Beach / Multivan 100 706 824

1 Item In Stock
 The Utility is spacious and offers a lot of additional storage space within reach. The attachment to the back rest is very easy: above, the Utility is attached to the headrest; below, the plastic clamps are hooked into the moulding of the lining.
On the sides, a strap made of polyester (safety belt quality) is put around the armrest; the attachment below is elastic.
The Utility can be attached to either the left or right cabin seat.

Design: VW T6.1 "Quadratic/Leather Titanium Black".
Made in Germany.


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