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BRANDRUP Isolite Inside Rear Windows Mercedes-Benz V-Class (2014 –>)
BRANDRUP Isolite Inside Rear Windows Mercedes-Benz V-Class (2014 –>) Brandrup 31.00 InStock 102 701 212 Add extra insulation to the rear windows of the Mercedes-Benz Marco Polo (2014 –onwards) with BRANDRUP's range of ISOLITE inside. 1. Kitchen Window- ISOLITE Inside for sliding window B-C pillar left Mercedes-Benz Marco Polo (2014 –>). Simple attachment with velcro fastener. 2. Fixed window in sliding door between B-C pillars. 3. Sliding Door Window - ISOLITE Inside for fixed window in sliding right door.  4. Sliding Door Window - ISOLITE Inside for opening window in sliding right door.  5. Opening Back Right Window- ISOLITE Inside for the revolving window of the C-D pillar on the right, is attached with hook-and- loop fastener. 6. Tailgate Window- ISOLITE Inside can remain fixed to the tailgate window when the tailgate is opened. This way the tailgate serves as a small sun sail. Simply attached with velcro attachment. Made in Germany.

BRANDRUP Isolite Inside Rear Windows Mercedes-Benz V-Class (2014 –>)

from £31.00
Add extra insulation to the rear windows of the Mercedes-Benz Marco Polo (2014 –onwards) with BRANDRUP's range of ISOLITE inside.

1. Kitchen Window- ISOLITE Inside for sliding window B-C pillar left Mercedes-Benz Marco Polo (2014 –>). Simple attachment with velcro fastener.

2. Fixed window in sliding door between B-C pillars.

3. Sliding Door Window - ISOLITE Inside for fixed window in sliding right door. 

4. Sliding Door Window - ISOLITE Inside for opening window in sliding right door. 

5. Opening Back Right Window- ISOLITE Inside for the revolving window of the C-D pillar on the right, is attached with hook-and- loop fastener.

6. Tailgate Window- ISOLITE Inside can remain fixed to the tailgate window when the tailgate is opened. This way the tailgate serves as a small sun sail. Simply attached with velcro attachment.

Made in Germany.


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