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BRANDRUP FLYOUT/MOSQUITO NET tailgate opening VW T4 only California Coach 100 111 051
BRANDRUP FLYOUT/MOSQUITO NET tailgate opening VW T4 only California Coach 100 111 051 Brandrup 155.00 InStock 100 111 051 FLYOUT mosquito net for the tailgate opening with practical and sturdy zipper and hook-and-loop fastener all around the opening for excellent sealing. The FLYOUT adapts to the original utilities which always remain accessible. If it is very hot and one wants to keep the tailgate open whilst sleeping, the AIR-SAFE ist the ideal solution: With the AIR-SAFE for vehicles without door closing advice for the tailgate, the tailgate can be left opened approx. 10 cm quickly and simply and still locked. (not midge proof)

BRANDRUP FLYOUT/MOSQUITO NET tailgate opening VW T4 only California Coach 100 111 051

FLYOUT mosquito net for the tailgate opening with practical and sturdy zipper and hook-and-loop fastener all around the opening for excellent sealing. The FLYOUT adapts to the original utilities which always remain accessible.

If it is very hot and one wants to keep the tailgate open whilst sleeping, the AIR-SAFE ist the ideal solution: With the AIR-SAFE for vehicles without door closing advice for the tailgate, the tailgate can be left opened approx. 10 cm quickly and simply and still locked.

(not midge proof)


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