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VW Grand California Hob/Sink Glass Lid (Dometic SMEV 9722)
VW Grand California Hob/Sink Glass Lid (Dometic SMEV 9722) Dometic 90.00 InStock 407150427 & 105311681 & 407149746 Replacement Sink and Hob glass top lids for the Grand California 600 and 680. For the Dometic SMEV 9722 kitchen unit with the hob on the left and sink on the right. These can shatter if the rubber screw covers come out of place, see related items for screw cover packs. Genuine Dometic Parts Including fitting set.

VW Grand California Hob/Sink Glass Lid (Dometic SMEV 9722)

from £90.00
Replacement Sink and Hob glass top lids for the Grand California 600 and 680. For the Dometic SMEV 9722 kitchen unit with the hob on the left and sink on the right.

These can shatter if the rubber screw covers come out of place, see related items for screw cover packs.

Genuine Dometic Parts

Including fitting set.


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