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Bellow Bungee
Bellow Bungee (1).jpeg 7.99 InStock Bellow Bungee for VW California Colour: Black              White and Black This is a great little aid to help in the closing of the pop top of the VW California.  It is an elastic bungee that wraps around the canvas of the pop top fastened with a quick lock clip, creating a little bit of tension to pull the canvas inwards away from the metal hinges.  Precautions should still be taken, open a door or window and watch the canvas come in as the roof comes down.

Bellow Bungee

from £7.99
Bellow Bungee for VW California

Colour: Black
             White and Black

This is a great little aid to help in the closing of the pop top of the VW California.  It is an elastic bungee that wraps around the canvas of the pop top fastened with a quick lock clip, creating a little bit of tension to pull the canvas inwards away from the metal hinges.  Precautions should still be taken, open a door or window and watch the canvas come in as the roof comes down.


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